Today these little guys were sitting on the fence sun bathing and waiting for their peanuts. Dh loves them, I just see rabies. And if Carmel ever caught one I would feel very bad since we feed them.
The Littles set up the sprinkler on the trampoline again today. They crack me up. Then they stand and shiver. Monkey's lips turn blue. It wasn't that warm, only mid 70's. They had fun and I guess that's what's important.
Angel ( who isn't) had taken over Walker's house. He was laying in the wet grass and this one thinks she's Queen of Everything. Since he hadn't chased her out I guess she is.

Heir Apparent came over for the afternoon and dinner. He was working in the garden. Slugs have been trying to eat our strawberries... not after today they won't! We were discussing dinner and when I said Oh I was just going to grill he texted Roommate and Girlfriend and invited them to dinner too. They both said SCORE and did a little happy dance. I kid you not they both said that! I love cooking for people who want to eat. I know being hungry is a great motivation too. One of these Sunday's I'll have to fix something I know he doesn't/didn't like just to see if he would still eat it. We sat on our deck and talked for a few hours after dinner until the bugs chased us in. I need to get some killer candles or a zapper or something.
Mandy(Girl friend) Jesse(Roommate) and Heir Apparent. After dinner conversation. I bought a box of ice cream treats - the kind with 3 different ones. Heir Apparent and Jesse and DH all had one of EACH!
Have a blessed week.