Here is Christmas pictures. They have uploaded backwards and I don't have the umph to change them. Sorry. :)

Heir and T2. Heir is flying Bug's Helicopter.

Skater and me.

The table mostly set.

Dh trying to get our picture, no one would be serious. The extra young man is T2's friend. I'll call him Buddy.

Bugs and Monkey with gifts from Rescue Rita.

T2 trying to wake up!


Daddy and his new reel and rod!

Buddy and Roommate getting ready for WAR!

Bug's helicopter

Some of the end product!

Cookies for Santa

The stockings were hung....

Santa came!

Waiting for daddy to get his coffee!

The boys doing there work.

Very serious business!

Learning to use a decorating bag.

Aren't they cute! And no those boys aren't broken, thats the new cutter!

Artist at work!