All weekend long Monkey has been talking about Long John Silvers. They must be new to the area because we area starting to see commercials for them. He begged me to take him there. So today late afternoon Monkey and I went on our date. It was really fun to be just the two of us. We haven't done that in a long time. I thought for sure he wouldn't eat it because it was fish. He almost ate every bite. All of his fish and most of his fries and some of his hushpuppy. While we were sitting and chatting and having our dinner I noticed just how straggly this boy looked. So I asked if he wanted to stop and get a haircut on the way home. He said YES! The lady we take the boys to is an Asian lady and does a good job. It's hard for the boys to understand her so they listen very carefully and sit so very still for her. We really like her. Today I just said a boy haircut, short. She said something about the clippers, she always uses the clippers in some fashion so I said sure. Then she started. I CHANGED MY MIND! He is almost bald! He LOVES it. I about cried. Monkey just giggled and giggled. Then she put it in a fake mohawk and he was in HEAVEN! I kept telling myself it's just hair, it will grow. He loves it, leave him be. Love the self talk! So here is my baby looking all big and bad.
The back

The side. He was trying to make a tough face.

The front. My baby blue eyes.

He was shaving after dinner.

My Valentine's roses

The one thing we really noticed about the hair is I think my towhead is gone. I have a feeling this is the year he turns dark. I have certainly enjoyed it while it lasted.