Yesterday Monkey was BOTHERING Bugs. And I mean really bothering him. Following him around and just picking at him. So he got in trouble and got sent to his room. After fussing at me about the injustice of it all he went to his room and SLAMMED the door! I have dealt with door slammers before. Heir was a huge door slammer. He pushed me one day to far and when he came home from school his door was gone! It was gone for several months. He CHERISHED his privacy and hadn't had his own room for very long, so he got the message loud and clear and doesn't slam doors any more. SO, this isn't my first time at the rodeo. However I know loosing a door isn't the same to a 6 year old as it is to a 16 year old. As Monkey was stewing in his room I was changing sheets on my bed and putting clothes away. I heard his door knob then a small voice said Mom I can't get out of my room. I said oh? I tried his door and it would not open. I went and got a screw driver and a flashlight. I was fiddling and working at it. It was only loosing the knob but not getting the bar out of the hole in the other side. I tried Heir because I knew he was on his way. He of course didn't answer. A few minutes later Drummer and T2 walked in the door. They took over for me. T2 kept asking me if he could just rush the door. I said NO! I will replace a knob not a door! He kept asking! He just wanted to run through the door. Weirdo! I kept asking Monkey if he was alright, he kept saying yes. He was playing or holding the knob from the other side for his brother. Bugs came up and asked what was going on. I explained the situation and he about had a stroke! He was so worried. I finally sent him down stairs so he didn't get Monkey all worked up for nothing! Drummer asked if he could get the ladder out and go through the window to get him. I said NO! Your not taking my baby out a 2 story window! The door knob will come off! Drummer continued fiddling and working and FINALLY he got the door knob off. WHEW! Monkey was in his room for the better part of an hour.
When Daddy came home I asked Monkey to explain what happened. He said and I quote " Slamming your door is not an option! Closing your door nicely is your ONLY option"!
After he left the room we laughed so hard! That kid cracks us up. The door knob guts are in 7 pieces and can't be fixed. So a new knob it is for Monkey. WAY better then a new door.
Have a wonderful day. No slamming doors!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Happy Easter!
Christ has risen! That is the reason we celebrate today. Without Easter everything else is all for nothing.
The Littles and their macho pose! They were cracking me up.
Us! Bugs was so handsome and looks so grown up all of a sudden. I'm wearing heels or we would have been the same height.
Heir and Bugs hunting eggs. That child is 27 years old. He cracks me UP! He helped Princess - well they all did but he still cracks me up.
Drummer and Buster UNDER the trampoline. Buster was getting into picking up the eggs.

Buster found one of the golden eggs. He didn't care. :)

Kevin and T2.

Bugs emptying his eggs and counting his money. He found a golden egg too. He actually found 2 but asked his daddy to re hide one for Monkey. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh

Buster found one of the golden eggs. He didn't care. :)

Bugs emptying his eggs and counting his money. He found a golden egg too. He actually found 2 but asked his daddy to re hide one for Monkey. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh
Saturday, April 23, 2011
I had the grass weed whacked and mowed today. We aren't suppose to be able to have an egg hunt outside tomorrow due to rain, but in hopes that maybe it's nice I did some yard work today. In all of that the trampoline got moved to the other side of the yard. Dh went out in the back yard tonight and this what he found.
Two little boys jumping off of daddy's truck onto the trampoline! They were having so much fun! We were laughing so hard. I took so many pictures trying to get them in air. They are almost all blurry. Grrrr.

Monday, April 18, 2011
Our Anniversary
Or.... Adventures in traveling without kids!
Dh and I had our anniversary this past weekend. He took it upon himself to plan for us to go away. It didn't quite work out like he had envisioned but we put our heads together and got it all worked out. We left the dogs with T2 and found places for The Littles. THANK YOU - you know who you are! We left Saturday morning, earlier then I wanted but later then Dh wanted. It was a compromise. It worked.
Every time we drive by the exit for the states capital we try to grab a drive by shot. Since we were in no particular hurry I took the exit and we did a close drive by. It was nice.
The capital. Very pretty up close.

This is us right after we got there. It was very windy! We were excited about the sand and surf, hoped for maybe a bit of sun. It was sunny the WHOLE time we were there. It was beautiful!

Since we didn't have any kids Dh REALLY wanted to ride the Mopeds. I think they are vesper's or something like that. We had so much fun! We both were way more comfortable on the sand rather then the streets. We FROZE though. Our hands were so cold when we were done. We are kind of pathetic though, we both kept thinking how much fun the kids would have thought it was too.

We had a nice dinner and then went out to watch the sunset. It was very cold and windy but beautiful! I have about 25 pictures waiting for the sun to go down. I swear we could hear it hiss when it hit.

The camera was propped up on a log. The wind gusts kept catching it and we thought it was going over. I was doing the timer and run thing so we were laughing pretty hard.

Day 2 was even warmer! It was so beautiful. There is something so good for your soul in the salty air and sand and surf.

We took off on a horse back ride. It has been a while since I've been on a horse and even longer for Dh. It was so nice!

Dh and I had our anniversary this past weekend. He took it upon himself to plan for us to go away. It didn't quite work out like he had envisioned but we put our heads together and got it all worked out. We left the dogs with T2 and found places for The Littles. THANK YOU - you know who you are! We left Saturday morning, earlier then I wanted but later then Dh wanted. It was a compromise. It worked.
Every time we drive by the exit for the states capital we try to grab a drive by shot. Since we were in no particular hurry I took the exit and we did a close drive by. It was nice.

This is us right after we got there. It was very windy! We were excited about the sand and surf, hoped for maybe a bit of sun. It was sunny the WHOLE time we were there. It was beautiful!

Since we didn't have any kids Dh REALLY wanted to ride the Mopeds. I think they are vesper's or something like that. We had so much fun! We both were way more comfortable on the sand rather then the streets. We FROZE though. Our hands were so cold when we were done. We are kind of pathetic though, we both kept thinking how much fun the kids would have thought it was too.

We had a nice dinner and then went out to watch the sunset. It was very cold and windy but beautiful! I have about 25 pictures waiting for the sun to go down. I swear we could hear it hiss when it hit.

The camera was propped up on a log. The wind gusts kept catching it and we thought it was going over. I was doing the timer and run thing so we were laughing pretty hard.

Day 2 was even warmer! It was so beautiful. There is something so good for your soul in the salty air and sand and surf.

We took off on a horse back ride. It has been a while since I've been on a horse and even longer for Dh. It was so nice!

It was time to go. We had to get The Littles and get back to our regularly scheduled programing. Sigh. It's always hard to go home but feels so good when you get there.

This is an outtake of trying to take our picture. The wind kept whipping my hair around like crazy! We were laughing so hard.

This is an outtake of trying to take our picture. The wind kept whipping my hair around like crazy! We were laughing so hard.

The pro's and con's of traveling without kids.
Pro's - you can eat where you want when you want.
There is no "He's touching me"
You can listen to any kind of music you want. Even Il Divo and then when your husband asks - What are they saying? To which I say, Does it matter?
Con's - Even though you are only going 175 miles you still have to stop 3 times and there are no kids to blame it on.
There is no one to get exited with you when you say "DEER!"
When you begin to wonder Are We There Yet? There is no one else to say it for you.
I have you have a wonderful week!
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Not on your life!
Buster is starting to really walk. He is so stinking cute! He can also count to 3! He's a genius! When Drummer holds Buster's hands and says ONE, then Buster says TWO, THREE and then Drummer swings him up and Buster laughs HYSTERICALLY! He thinks his daddy is so funny!
This morning Monkey was having a hard time waking up. I went to switch laundry around and this is the faces I found when I came back. Scout is such a snuggle dog! She will take any warm lap thankyouverymuch.

The other day when I was in Seattle we passed this building. I didn't even notice at first, then Rescue Rita said could you, would you ever? I just stared, then got my eyes on it. NO NEVER NOT ON YOUR LIFE! I can't imagine being broke enough that I would ever entertain doing this job! EVER!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Sunday, April 10, 2011
A week in review

This week has brought some changes.
Skater moved on to a new adventure of his own. He's 20, he can do that. We want only good things for him! He is going to be just fine.
Rescue Rita and I took off for the day and went to Pike Place Market. I of course had to have flowers on the way out. Here is Rita with my bouquet!
The fish..... So very gross! But the throwing show is cute.
On Saturday Drummer Boy turned 26! DIL did a nice party for him. Friends and Family and Food! It was very good.
His Cake

I asked if Princess had wings, she didn't. She then couldn't forget I had asked and she asked NON STOP for Wings! So here they are! She wants to fly.
Today Princess and I went to meet my parents in Wenatchee to get The Littles back from their vacation. They had such a good time. Bugs LOVES his cousin's so much and loves to be with them. I know he can be a bit overwhelming but it meant a LOT to him to see and hang out with them. I wish everyone could love with such abandon as he does. Monkey lost a tooth! He did the last time he was at Grandma and Grandpa's too. It cracked me up.
Monkey rode Rosie without a saddle! He was so pumped. He said he fell off the first time but got it the second time. He loves to ride. They had dinner, showers and fell EXHAUSTED into bed. I think the only one more excited to see them then Princess was Carmel. She has looked for her boy at bedtime EVERY NIGHT! Tonight when he went in she followed him in and curled up on his pillow. What a funny cat!
I hope you have a blessed week.
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
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