We stayed in West Memphis Arkansas last night.
We got up and hit the road this morning. We knew this would be our last day on the road. I have never been to Memphis Tn. The last time we were all here there just wasn't time to go. I know my Dh would LOVE to see Graceland so I wouldn't go without him but we did want to go BY it. Daisy had a few sites she wanted me to see. I will post pictures tomorrow. So in Memphis we went to Beale street. We saw the Peabody Hotel. Then we drove around to see the St. Jude Children's Hospital. It is MASSIVE! They do such wonderful things there. Then we set the TomTom on Graceland and drove to it. When we got out of the car it was like stepping into an oven. We walked the rock/brick wall at Graceland and I wrote mine and Dh's names on it for him. Then we sweated our way back across the street and wondered around a bit and then had an ice cream to cool off. It was really an excuse to sit where there was AC. We took a few more pictures then we hit the road. We still had 300 miles to go.
We crossed into Mississippi. I don't think I've ever been to Mississippi before either. I have to check but I think that made 13 states. It was a beautiful drive home.
Daisy said we wouldn't be seeing any more armadillo's. She was wrong. Not many but some. Of course they were dead.
We saw a dead deer.
We saw several dead raccoons again.
And a dead snake.
BUT the highlight of our day - we saw 2 LIVE deer! Only the 2ND and 3rd of our trip.
Auntie saw a live raccoon.
As we were driving along on the only night we drove after dark, I kept seeing what I thought were animal eyes on the edge of the road. They weren't! They were lightning bugs! So cool! Right up until one smashed on my windshield but still was glowing for a long time! Glowing guts! Nice eh?
Tomorrow I will do some pictures.