This past weekend I decided to take The Littles out of school on Friday (hey the teachers do it ALL the time) and head to my parents. The pass was suppose to be dry and clear and I was out of here. We left after work on Thursday. It was a long uneventful drive. We got there just fine and dandy. I got up Friday morning and went for a walk. It was so peaceful. Later that day Mom's new neighbor came over with her to Golden puppies. They are so cute! I loved on them and said OHHHHH for about 30 seconds. Then remembered why I don't want puppies. LOL

She is a few months old and huge. So very cute. I can't remember her name though. There was also a younger boy. He was a LOVE! He had the softest ears. AND he had puppy breath!
On Saturday morning my parents Vet had an open house thingy they wanted to go to. We were going to make several stops on the way home so The Littles had to go with us. They were VERY good sports. I took the movie player and Monkey had his DS. Bugs finished his movie so he just laid down and went to sleep.

He was sound asleep.
Then we stopped and saw my sister in law. She had surgery a few weeks ago and it was really good to see her. They have 4 little poodles that entertained the boys while we were there. They are funny funny dogs. My brother has started a new hobby, making cedar chests. I told my sister in law I LOVED Hers. I want one for my scrap books. She asked me the size! I hope I get one. She hasn't put anything in hers yet because she just likes opening the lid and smelling in there. HA!
Then we went to see my nephew and his family. He has the cutest little girls! One looks just like him and one looks just like his girlfriend. They were so sweet! They let me snuggle and kiss on them. My nephew has grown up so much. He looks so much like his daddy and I was a bit taken back by that. It has been awhile since I had seen him. He is such a sweet young man. His daddy would be very proud of him.

Great nieces. almost 3 and 18 months.

trying to ham it up!

Daddy with his girls, who had had it with posing for me.
On the way home we saw this from the highway. I thought maybe it was a tornado. Bugs took several pictures of it and when I zoomed it in I think it's just a smoke stack. It was sort of eerie though.

What do you think?
At the top of the pass the boys got out to climb the snow drifts. It is dark so they are crappy pictures.

Monkey. Bugs is above him. It was a HUGE pile of snow.
Yesterday was Valentines day. Sometimes we do something sometimes not. This year Dh took me out to Chinese food. He really doesn't like Chinese so it was a huge gift for me. I love that man.

Monkey tried to give me a sweet tart. I don't really like them so I said thank you and then said he could eat the candy. He LOVED that idea.
Spring really is coming! I have crocus's blooming in my yard. I have some in the flower beds and a few in the grass. I love the look of them all through the grass. By the time you have to mow they are long done. Bugs thought it was a mistake so he dug this one up and put it in a cup in his room. I told him it was a bulb and when it was done it was done for the year. He was bummed. When it's done he can just shove the bulb back in the grass somewhere.

It's a promise Spring is coming! I'm sure of it.
I know it's midweek but I hope you have a blessed week.