This picture came up in my memories the other day. It was an AMAZING dream come true. I had wanted to take a helicopter ride for so long! Hawaii is as beautiful from the air as it is on the ground. It was just awesome. Samantha may say other wise but she was a good sport about it. LOL When we got back to the helipad, we were waiting for the video and picture to load for our purchase. My phone rang. I stepped outside to take the call. My life is forever changed. My dad said I have cancer. I think my lungs and heart burst from my chest. I know I couldn't breathe. I couldn't feel my hands. It was so awful. I felt so bad for my dad having to make that call. He told me that I had to stay in Hawaii to finish the job I was there to do. That was so hard to hear. The need to run home was so great. Consultations were planned and a plan was being put into place. We talked a while more then hung up. I caught my breath and went back into the office. Those 3 expectant faces staring at me set me off again. I went back outside. When I pulled it together I went in and explained. Tim loves my dad so much. Carmen comforted me the best he was able. We went on to try and have a good afternoon. There was nothing I could do from there.
Very early the next morning my phone rang. My mom had had a stroke in the night. My dad blamed himself.(as if) because of the cancer diagnoses. She was alright but she was in a fight to get her life back. Daddy told me I had to stay in Hawaii to do the job I was there for. Calls were made and plans put in place for our younger boys. They were with my parents for Spring break while we were gone. Thank God for my family who was so very helpful.
The wedding was so beautiful. I was honored to be asked to document it. But it was time to go home.
The boys were here when we got here. It was good to be together. The next day or so Tim called and asked if I was going to see my parents. I said yes. He said I'll pick you up early. And he did.
We drove the 6 - maybe 5 that day, hours. We walked into my mom's room. We both cried. She was working so hard to get herself all back!
The next few months were so hard! My dad had several surgeries and had to start Chemo. My mom had to stay and work her little hiney off to get her leg and arm doing what they were suppose to. She finally did all she could in the rehab place and got to go home! We did find out the chemo made the cancer very angry. It made things so much worse for my dad.
New plan! He start immune therapy. It has been a game changer! My dad is doing wonderful now. His cancer is in remission! Thank you Jesus! My mom has most of her leg and arm back. Her leg will never be the same. BUT they are here and doing so good! My mom actually has been on her horse once. Probably not anymore but she's almost 82. She has nothing to prove to anyone. If she could get up, she'd be fine. Maybe a high platform. Since then my dad had fallen and broke his hip. Almost a year later, a few weeks ago he got on his horse - NO pain!
Just look at that guy!
God is so good. He doesn't promise no hard times. Just that he will always be with us. And Boy howdy has he been. When it seemed the worse, he has brought us through.
What made me think of all this...
Is in this very strange time we are in, The only sure thing we know is that God is here. It's sometimes hard to remember to be grateful. I was counting my blessings and these memories came up.
None of this is a surprise to God. I'm so not sure of the lesson we are suppose to learn but I do know Who holds my future. I have no choice but to trust God. And so I do/will.
I hope this finds you and your friends and family safe and well.