I know I'm not easy to buy gifts for. I have very eclectic tastes. I really do like many different things. However, I need nothing and have room for nothing. Sooo, my favorite DIL came up with an idea for Christmas last year. Somehow, she got the boys to agree with her. I was so excited AND nervous but really wanted to do it. I got a gift certificate for a balloon ride! DH didn't get one, just me. A sunset flight. Oh, I couldn't wait. It's a seasonal thing so I did have to wait but I didn't want to. We had to cancel several times due to weather. I know people get frustrated with things like that. I was disappointed but not frustrated. Trust me I want to land nicely more than anyone else. Take all the time you need to get it right. I'll wait until it's a good day. No wind no rain, just beautiful sunset please. So, then this happened!
I think most people think it's similar to the scene from Wizard of Oz. That isn't the case at all. You only really know you are moving if you look down. It's so very smooth. They send out a weather balloon before you take off. They have cancelled even after you've shown up if the weather turns. They give you a good little lesson before you take off. You do have to climb into the basket, but they can open a door. But you do stand the whole time. They do ask how much you weigh when you make the reservation. They need to know the load and how many people can go in this basket. Mine held 10. There was nine of us. I stood right beside the gas blowing the heat up. That is the only thing they can control. When and how high. There is no right or left. It's just up or down. All at the mercy of the wind. It is so calm up there. And quiet. We could hear a dog barking WAY down. The only real noise was the fire/gas heating up the air, to climb. I was standing under it and as it chilled down it felt good. Bob was our pilot and was so kind to answer all the questions and query. Yes, A LOT from me. I want to know all the things. Hopefully I didn't bother Bob a whole lot. I'm sure I'm not his only chattey Cathy. It is such a wonderful memory. I need nothing! I have room for nothing! It was such a wonderful experience. I will take that any day of the year. It was wonderful! DIL did good! Thank you to my guys for agreeing to the plan. I will cherish that day for the rest of my life. If you ever get a chance, Do it!
In June a day I never thought would happen DID! 19 years ago, we got surprised with an amazing gift! To say we were shocked is a mild understatement. At 40 I found out I was pregnant. It had been 6 years since Bugs was born. We were excited. But again, we were starting over. there is an 8 year and then a 6-year gap between our younger guys. So here we were again. As time went on, we did get so very excited. On July 1, 2004, Monkey made his appearance in our bedroom in our home. It was an amazing experience. 21 years younger than his biggest brother.
Monkey is a really funny kid. We have wonderful memories of the things he has said. He makes us laugh ALL the time. When he started school, he went one day and said he got it, and he didn't want to go back. Weeellll baby boy that's not how things work. So, he had to go back. and he did really well. He's an avid reader. Read well above grade level. Gets math, REALLY gets it and likes it. He must have gotten that from his dad. He has done advanced math most of his schooling. He was involved with choir all through high school. He has a lovely voice. He did a lot of acapella with the jazz ensemble. He persevered all through covid and school. Chemistry online? Choir, online? What a nightmare.
At last, this little caboose of ours graduated from High school. We are so very proud of him. He did it in a really rough time. And he did it well. My husband's 1st son surprised us all when he came for his graduation party. It meant so much to all of us. My mom came. We had a lovely party at my cousin's house. The weather was perfect! Friends and family came to congratulate our boy.
We got them through school! Woooowhoooo! This Fall he started at the local community college. He will graduate with his AA and several important certifications. He has plans and he's going places. He is writing his own story. So proud of him.
On March 17th my favorite Aunt, my travel buddy my friend passed away. I could write albums of the things we did and laughed at. She took me to places I didn't know I wanted to go to. We had so much fun.
When my Uncle passed away in 2012 my Auntie kind of gave up. She didn't really want to be here without him. They apparently had a plan and didn't keep it. She seemed to rally and found reason's to stay and things to be happy about. We went on our cruise to Alaska and had an amazing time. She and I talked (on messenger) almost every day. I taunted her with hummingbird pictures and she did the same for me with cardinals and blue birds. She had an amazing yard and the best view out her office window. We had shows we watched together, she was hours ahead, so she had to keep quiet until it was over here. Amazing Race and Big Brother.
My Aunt wasn't healthy. She hadn't been for a long time. However, she had a day care in her home for years. She just lived her life and dealt the best she could. When the Doctor said she had to go on oxygen she just didn't care anymore. She just kind of gave up. I went for a visit one more time. We went on what I was sure of was our last trip. We went to Helen Kellers home. It really was so interesting. I love history like that. She was an amazing woman. She changed the world for so many. When it came time for me to come home I knew it would be last time I saw her alive. It was.
My heart is so broken. Losing my Aunt so soon after my dad is just devastating. Not that anytime would have been easier. It just feels like a huge whammy! My family is everything to me. When you lose someone that you care so deeply about it just leaves such a huge hole in your heart.
I miss my dad's jokes, he and I talked often. He would call me giggling before he even got the dad punny out. He had the corniest jokes. He loved me (well all of us but this is my story) with all of his being. My aunt and I loved each other. She was a confidant like I hope everyone has. She loved me and I loved her. I miss them both every day. I still have my dad's number in my phone. I can't delete it yet. I think of things I want to say and want to call him. I see a hummingbird and want to send a picture to my aunt to taunt her. We have them all year, Tennessee doesn't.
Please cherish your loved ones. I understand everyone isn't as close to your family as I am. Still hold those you do love so very close. Tell them you love them. Show them you love them. Sometimes you don't get a second chance.
Rest easy Auntie. Pain free and with the love of your life. Together again and forever.