Saturday, March 9, 2024

It's you and me kid


In a six-month period we will be adding 4 people to our family.  WHOOIE!  

Last June Heir came to us and told us that he was really in love with his longtime friend/travel buddy.  They have been on so many adventures.  They would meet all over the world for vacations. She has been here with us, and he's been there with her family.  We knew she was important to him.  BUT when he was 18 years old, he came to us and said he had no desire for children and or a wife.  We told him there are worse things than not having children.  Thats having them if you don't want them.  We really are fine with it.  I then told him that if and when he met "her" he would move a mountain to be with her.  BUT seriously no worry from us if he never did.  Well, he did!  So, he went off and got himself a Mrs. Heir!  We are so happy for him.  Boy oh boy has he had to take some ribbing from his brothers who he has teased endlessly about getting married and having children.  If he and Mrs. Heir decide to become parents, it's going to start all over again.  AND it's well deserved.  In brotherly love. 

T2 has meet his happy ever after! They will be getting married this summer.  Miss fiancé' has 2 little girls, so not only a new DIL but 2 new grands.  So that will be 6 girls to 2 boys.  We are so happy for T2.  He has waited a long time to find her.  She will be a wonderful addition to our family.  They are both so excited and wedding plans are in full swing!  I'm again reminded that I love being a boy mom.  lol 

I remember being pregnant with each of my boys.  I remember loving the feeling of it being just them and me.  I didn't have to share them with anyone.  They were all mine.  I could feel them move inside me.  I was never alone, and neither were they.  The first sound they heard was my heartbeat. There is just something so magical in being pregnant.  We only told the news we were pregnant early one time.  Oh that was the longest pregnancy ever!  We learned not to do that again.  I loved the time that it really was just them and me.  A secret I carried under my heart.  I also remember when they were born.  I wasn't that person who was SO IN LOVE that first second.  I was tired and bloody and in pain.  It was in the quiet of the night and everyone was gone, it was just them and me again.  That feeling of Oh, there you are!  I've been waiting to see your face.  THAT was the moment I was so overwhelmed with love and all the emotions that come with it.  

Now that they are all adults and finding their own partners, or not, and moving forward in their lives I'm trying to remember those times and not get overwhelmed with them going out on their own.  Yes I know they have been doing this for 20+ years.  As Monkey is our last but still lives at home while he is in school, we aren't truly empty nesters.  When we started our family and then when we decided we were complete, The thought of growing our family in a new way wasn't even on my radar.  I like this part!  Family is an endless chain, there is always room for one more name. 
