Do you remember when you were a little one and just got so excited about things? Not just Christmas but random things. Knowing a movie you wanted to watch was coming out, a new bike. then next book in a series that you loved. Anything that made the warm fuzzy feeling of excitement.
Our Little Miss Horsey girl has loved horses I think her whole life. She has been put on a horse almost from the beginning. When she was 4, she started horse riding lessons. She fell off 2 years ago, I think, and broke her wrist. Her mom hasn't been in a rush to make that happen again. Also, LMHG (Little Miss Horsey Girl) doesn't want to ride English. She wants to ride Western. (a girl after her Grandma Greats heart). She and I had a sleep over a few weeks ago. We were talking about the farm. She told me she really wanted to go ride. I told her when I went next time, I'd let her know. I was and I did. Her folks said she could go. When I picked her up, she was vibrating! She had told her mom next time she didn't want to know until the day of. It had been too long to wait! Tuesday to Thursday. LOL She had packed Tuesday. This is what she packed for 3 days, 6 pairs of undies, 3 pairs of pants, 2 pj's, 2 socks, 4 shirts, 3 shorts, 1 jumpsuit, 1 hoodie, 1 coat, 3 pairs of boots, 1 pair of slides, 3 books, 1 tablet and a few stuffed toys. Her parents LAUGHED at this.
When I woke up Friday morning, at 7 AM I rolled over and the 2 little eyes said Nana when are we getting ready? I said LMHG I just opened my eyes. You have got to give me a minute. In a little voice she said OK. I said go find Papa and ask him for breakfast. I got in the shower then dressed. I went to make some tea and everywhere I walked she was on my heels. She asked when are we leaving? I said Uncle Bugs isn't quite ready yet. We will leave at 9.
She sat there waiting for about 30 minutes.
At 9:35 she asked how many more hours? I said please don't ask that again. We haven't even gone 1 hour yet. At 10:40, Are we almost there yet? I said we aren't even halfway yet. I'll let you know when we are half way. We will get to the farm at 3. While we were driving, she asked what time would she be able to ride? I just sighed.
I absolutely love her excitement and love for horses. Every time she saw horses out her window she yelled HORSES! She is just So in love with them!
We stopped for lunch and got back on the road. I made her came to the front and look at the clock when we got to the farm. It was 2:58!
She did not ride that first day, but we got apples and carrots and she fed the 2 horses and the donkey all they wanted.
We got up Saturday morning and had breakfast and then got our hineys outside! I helped her catch and brush and then she helped me get the saddle and tack ready. Raven hadn't been ridden in 3 years. She did OK. We don't remember dad riding her with a bit, so her mouth never stopped moving but she did really well with a tiny rider. Then Bugs and I both took a turn. We needed a bigger saddle but for what we did it was just fine. Then dream off all dreams she got to ride bareback! Saturday AND Sunday! She did good and is so brave! I'm so very proud of her! On Sunday we did some farm chores and she got to ride on the trailer and help me drive the mower.
She was not thrilled to leave the farm but knew Dad and mom would miss her. She also would miss them. So home we went.
Her Uncle Tom set her up with a lead line reign and she was so excited! No bridle, nothing but a halter and lead line.
It was a very good weekend. One little girl was over the moon!
Find something that makes you excited! Remember something that you used to be excited about, do that!