Breezy and I made plans to go hiking. However, neither one of us wanted to hike in the snow. Bleh! So on to plan B. A drive to the ocean for the win! It wasn't even a hike, just a drive, walking and of course food.
We headed out to The Tree of Life. It is losing ground, rapidly! It will be really sad when It's finally on the ground.
Second Beach. Tree of Life
I always feel lucky when I see Eagles. I love them almost as much as hummingbirds. I love when I hear them before I can get my eyes on them. Isn't he beautiful! His Misses was in a tree farther back off the beach.
We wondered up to La Push. No Vampires allowed. IFKYK.
I love it there. It is just beautiful. We were a bit surprised by the amount of snow there was all along the coast. It also was freezing flippin cold!
We were ahead of the storm most of the day. Then we weren't. 2 shirts and 2 coats.
Ruby Beach. The tide was on its way in, or you can walk out to that big Island. No tide pools either, because of the tide.
Another eagle!
We both were freezing and wanted clam chowder and fish and chip. I looked online while Breezy was driving. I found the best place in Hoquiam. It was closing in 40 minutes and we were 50 minutes out. DANG. We were bummed. We stopped and Breezy did her own search. We agreed on a place that said it was a hometown burger type place. We got in there and sat down and looked at the menu. It was Mexican food. Which is fine, but,, So I went to the restroom and Breezy checked out the place to make sure we were in the right place. We were but couldn't have been farther from what the website said. LOL Oh well, Mexican food is always good. It really was! It was a tiny place with homemade type food. YUMMY. But NOT clam chowder and fish and chips. We had such a good long day. A good day for my soul.