Friday, December 19, 2008

This an older thing that I have somewhere else, just putting all things in one spot. :-)

Wordly Treasures
Treasured Physical Possessions
1. Any of my books, My original Laura books, Hannah Fowler - but honestly any and all of my books.
2. My grandmother's dress
3. My camera - to prove we've been here.
4. China cup shelf from my other Grandma.
5. Teapot from my Grandfather. My first ever.
6. Anything in my doll cabinet. Dolls from my mom and aunt and glass birds from my grandmother.
7. My boy's first shoes. 6 pairs
8. The pictures on my walls. From experience most can be replaced but it's not the same.
9. An angel orniment from my husband. To remember.
10. Altered book my whole family and me made.
What about you? What are yours?

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