Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Nasty Boys

Today on my day "off" I finally convinced myself I HAD to clean Bug's room. I REALLY should have done it in January when I wanted to. 2 count them TWO large garbage bags of CRAP out of that boys room. He is the WORST hoarder. I was on to the second bag and DH came home and said OH NO WHAT'S THIS???? and he pulled something out of the garbage bag. Bugs wanted this!!!!! I said in an UGLY voice "DROP IT" It's GARBAGE! Want to know what it was? A pinata that he brought home from a birthday party LAST YEAR! A USED PINATA! Why would he think he needed this? Because boys are nasty! Hours later, room clean and dusted, clean sheets and blankets then I cleaned the carpets then said DONE! So when Bugs came home from his friends I said it's done and you may NOT look in the garbage bags as his dad was taking them out. Bugs looked at his room and said" wow looks really nice. Almost as nice as when I clean it". OH SON! NOT! But whatever blows his skirt up. It's done I feel accomplished and one more room gutted off my list! When someone is here and I can tie a rope around my waist and if I don't come out some one can pull me out I may tackle the bat cave. It smells like butt in there. Until then I just tell Skater Dude to keep his door shut! Boys are smelly. That wonderful warm baby smell turns into something that smells like a warm birds nest then to dirty feet and worse. Well I hope your boys aren't as smelly as mine. Peace


  1. Oh I LOVE it when you make me laugh!! I'll pull you out anytime! Wonder how Skaterdude will take it if you go in there and clean?? I might pay to be a fly on the wall.

  2. And you wonder where Bugs get it, when his Dad pulls out a dead Pinata LOL~

  3. Auntie - EXACTLY!!!!!! But I'm the packrat? I think not.

  4. Haha in 'skaterboys' room you might find something that grew arms and legs. i know i found something that used to be something else but you couldn't tell for your life. lol
