Last night Drummer boy and DIL went out with friends so we had Princess. She loves to read so Papa was reading the paper to her again.

Then Skater boy took a turn with a book.

Monkey and Princess giving a concert.

Bath time.

Remember the other day when I said I should go through baby clothes and give some to Baby Joel? Well this was the pile DIL wanted. It hasn't made a dent in whats left. I will get to it soon. It did my heart well to see these go though.

We had everyone here for dinner again. It was so nice. Most of the pies are gone. I told Heir what wasn't gone was going in the garbage. He said he would be back tomorrow PLEASE don't throw it out. LOL We had enchilada's. Dh thought I should make turkey ones, we did not. Sort of tired of turkey right now. BUT there is enough taco stuff that tomorrow I only have to heat things up. Yippee
After dinner Drummer ( who had hand carried symbol's) set up Heir apparent drums and his own pieces that he brought in our family room and they had a jamming secession. I love to listen to them play.
Tomorrow is back to normal life again. It feels like these 4 days have been a week.
I hope you have a blessed week.
I hope you have a blessed week.