Thursday, November 26, 2009


When I went into bed at 2:30 AM Wed. night/Thurs. morning this is the face we found in our bed. She does NOT belong there. Scout got put in her bed and I crawled into my side and DIED! My phone vibrated me awake at 8:00 with a message from Drummer that they were in Monroe. I had to hall my butt up and throw on some clothes. T2 was going with me to pick Drummer and DIL and Princess at the train station, now become the bus station due to a rock slide in Montana. HAHA only us! I couldn't even decide if my eyes would open far enough to put contacts in. I don't' like to drive with glasses so I pried them open and got contacts in and away we went. It was so nice to hug and squeeze everyone! When we got to the house DIL had to take Baby Joel and go take a nap! Princess and The Littles played and played. It was wonderful for all of us to be here. I know these days are precious and life tends to take everyone far and wide.

Scout NOT where she belongs.

Very early after a bus ride for 6 hours.

Love Fest 2009

After we decided to get dressed.

Papa reading Princess the paper. It has the same effect on me!

Laying it out.

Old dead bird.

Us, Bugs is hidden and Skater is taking the picture

Now with Skater minus Dh

DIL and Baby Joel

Turkey induced coma


Skate video's

A nap again.

My Drummer boy



Fuzzy Bugs but I wanted it anyway.

Princess is starting to like Skater

I'm not going to give you a blow by blow of the day but as soon as we got home from the bus station Heir apparent was here to pick up all the Big Brothers and they went to a Turkey Shoot football game. They had so much fun and came home SO muddy. Touchdowns and tackles were made. We ate dinner late and enjoyed each other's company so much. Roommate came with Heir, I forgot to say that earlier.
I hope everyone has had a lovely day spent just the way you wanted. We all have so much to be thankful for and even in our worst are better off then so many. I have thought of all my family near and far, here and gone. They are what makes us who we are. May today be the start of a great holiday season for everyone.


  1. The kids beautiful, the food amazing..the picture and your comment with Carmen and Lili PRICELESS!

  2. The table was beautiful! Everyone looked so content and full and happy! I am thankful for of these years we will do Turkey day together with our families...Baby Joel just looks wonderful!

    Love you!
