Saturday after the Eagle Hunt DIL and Drummer took The Littles skating. I think Bugs has been before but Monkey hasn't. We kept Buster while they went. They had such a good time. I have tried to upload pictures from DIL 3 times and they won't. I don't know why.
Princess telling me she had been skating! She was VERY excited. She fell down but was OK Nana.
This is how Papa babysits. His parents weren't impressed with us. Teeheehee. Buster slept for almost 2 plus hours. Which means he did not go to bed in a timely fashion.
The grinniest boy!
Walker just before being put to bed. He is a silly old man!
Sunday after dinner. Papa was putting new batteries in the toys that make noise.
Drummer's after dinner nap.
On Friday night Princess jumped up and smacked T2 in the face. His jaw is REALLY swollen. I finally said it was time to go get it checked on Monday. He isn't broken but he has a very bad infection in his jaw. He's in a great deal of pain. It's not pretty. Poor guy.
My favorite Daughter in Law and Buster.
Buster and Drummer. We were trying to catch him mid flight. He couldn't giggle any louder!
That's our week thus far.
Frank saw the picture of Buster and Papa and said it was perfect, and as for unhappy parents...he said well it all worked out...they got some time off and nana and papa got the grandkids :) I LOVE the picture though, my favorite!