Friday, February 17, 2023



I have had so many thoughts running through my brain.   I have things I want to write about but I'm having trouble making them all into cohesive sentences and paragraphs. So, popcorn brain for the win. 

In the past week or so I have heard several times in several different ways that God will turn my mourning into dancing. That He will cover me with Joy. That this is just a season.  I know grief never ends but it will change.  Right now, I don't really want the pain to go away, that feels like I am saying I'm done missing my dad and my sister.  I know that isn't the case, but it feels like it.   I know that God see's all my failures and all my flaws and weaknesses. and yet He still loves me and wants to be with me.  I know that to be true, so I know that He can and will carry me through this time too.  

I find when I think the darkness is just never going to end, God sends me a sign that He knows me. He knows my heart.  He knows that I need the details.  I've survived the longest night of the year.  I love that. I will trust that. 

It's still Winter. However, Spring is coming! 


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