Bugs is getting so big! Here he caught his daddy by surprise and picked him up. We were all laughing so hard. Then they had to do it again so I could get a picture of it. He is already INCHES above me. I'm only taller then Monkey. Over Christmas break we had to get both The Littles new jeans. Bugs looked like he was waiting for flood of EPIC proportions. Now they both look less dork like.

This is Walker's bed. Angel and Walker are BEST buddies! Angel (who isn't!) STOLE Walker's bed and he is so kind he wouldn't make her move. He just laid on the floor and every now and then would look over his shoulder at his comfy bed.

We had 2 birthdays this week. Skater turned 21! Then Buster turned 2. We celebrated Buster's on Saturday then Skater's Sunday at family dinner.

Buster LOVES Car's.

Buster's Daddy and Mommy got him a wheeler! He was giving Sissy rides in it. They LOVE IT!


Skater and his cake. He was really in a good mood, not sure what the look was for.

Make a wish!

There is a hidden smile.

And of course we MUST have a wrestling match at EVERY dinner.

Buster and his beautiful Mama.
So 2012 is in full bloom! Here's to new beginnings!
Happy Birthday Skater and Buster! I hope it's a good year for the whole family! Love to you all!