We have had some major snow. We have even made the national news. Which always cracks us up! It's just snow people. You couldn't have found a regular scheduled show today for love nor money. It has been hours upon hours of Winter Storm Watch. Just ridiculous. The Littles and I have been home 3 days so far and the news just said school is cancelled tomorrow. 4 for 4! I might just keep them home on Friday just for good measure. It is so pretty to look at and makes everything so pretty. January can be so dark and bleak and grey that this was a nice change. It will probably be all gone by the weekend.

Heir went up in the mountains yesterday to go snowshoeing. He said it was drop dead gorgeous! Skater is up on a different mountain with friends snow boarding and hanging out until Friday. Drummer has been building an igloo in his front yard with Skater's (before he left) and Princess's help. T2 said he is all but snowed in. He lives quite a bit higher up then us. I'm glad they are all enjoying the snow. We have done the boots, snow pants, coat and gloves and hat routine about 50 times. I am keeping the dryer empty so they can dry/warm up their outer stuff before they head back out.
I hope you are warm and dry.
I am too warm and dry! It's supposed to be back up on the high 70s tomorrow. I just want to come home!!