Kindness goes a LONG ways. It doesn't even have to be much. A genuine Thank you, a have a good day! I hope your weekend goes well. Those kinds of word/things. However they must be said with sincerity. I have found that the more you put that into practice the easier it becomes. Sometimes it's just a real smile. Because of masks I always hope they see it in my eyes. It becomes an honest caring about other people, even strangers. I'm not as outgoing, able to talk to strangers as some people I know. But I can say a kind word and a smile. It also has a way of coming back to you, especially when you need it.
It reminds me of the saying, which has really stuck with me..
"People may not remember exactly what you said or did, but they will always remember how you made them feel".
That one sticks in my heart, a lot! I know I haven't always responded with quiet calm words when I've been hurt. I know I have hurt other's with my words. For that I am truly sorry. The heat of the moment isn't always pretty. Hopefully those moments go to the back of their memories. I know I've tried to leave the door open. Grace applies to all. Sometimes that is a hard one to remember.
A bit of a ramble but the thoughts keep running through my mind.
Be kind to one another. Be safe. Peace.