Wednesday, May 30, 2012

What Love looks like.

Cancer is stealing part of this picture.
That makes us all so very sad.  We need to enjoy and cherish each and every moment with our loved ones.  No one is promised tomorrow.  So.  I will leave you with this, This is what love looks like. 
This is 107 years of marriage, 70 plus years of sisters, and over 50 years of friendship.  This is Love.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Attack of the killer squirrel

I'm not sure I can do this justice..
*Dh always feeds the squirrels... on our deck.*
On Sunday we were enjoying our family dinner out on the deck.  Nice BBQ, nice conversation and laughing at Buster who is trying really hard to tell knock knock jokes but can't quite get the punch line.  He had us in stitches!  Heir went down into the yard and grabbed the hose to water the garden.  This child/man was in the MILITARY!  He all of a sudden squealed like a girl!  Then he starts talking to "something" in the garden.  You wouldn't dare!  Don't you come at me!  AAAAAACK!  We all stood up and said WHAT?  He said look at that squirrel!  He keeps coming right at me!  It was!  He was trying to come to the deck to get a nut and we were all sitting there so he was waiting in the garden then Heir came out with the hose and he was all kinds of flustered so he thought he would just run over that boy! LOL  Heir turned the hose on him and backed him off.  I went in the house and get a handful of nuts and threw them out into the garden and the Squirrel ran and got as many as he could hold, gave Heir a dirty look and flounced off to his tree.  We were laughing so hard! 
Have a blessed week

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

To Grandma's House We Go

This past weekend Dh and The Littles and I took off for parts unknown. Well not exactly.  It was my mama's birthday and I had a high school friend headed to Spokane too. Seemed like a good weekend to go!  Dh planned on taking The Littles and heading down to surprise his mama too.  Since he was just there a few weeks ago she had no reason to expect him.   When we got to my parents The Littles tried to pull a fast one and say they didn't want to go with Daddy.  So he came in and told me they didn't want to go.  I told him that was fine, but if they didn't go, HE didn't go because I was not having them all weekend by myself.  He went out and had a chat with the boys and they all came in to kiss me goodbye.  They went to surprise the other grandma.  My mom and I went to town and made plans for Saturday and stopped by one of my brothers.  Then on Sat. morning we got up and headed back into town to go to yard sales and lunch and whatever else we could find to do.  At one of yard sales this house was down the way.  I walked to take pictures.
This picture does not do it justice.  It was a beautiful home with beautiful gardens.  It reminds me of a Thomas Kincaid painting, sort of.
As mom and I were driving around looking for yard sale signs we were crossing a bridge with an overpass over that.  There were 4 young kids standing up there. As we were headed to the over pass one of the girls climbed over the railing to the outside of the bridge!  I yelled at my mom to stop.  I pointed my finger at that stupid girl and screamed at her to GET BACK!  She climbed back and they were all laughing!  I called 911!  It was probably just kids being stupid but I totally had visions of her going SPLAT on the hood of my mom's car!  Made me so SO mad!  It took us both a long while to shake that! 
My mama at lunch.  I told them it was her birthday and she got dessert!  We shared it and it was wonderful!
Later that evening I met up with 2 friends from Jr. High and High School youth group/church.  Oh my goodness we had a great time.  I think if we didn't have to leave, we would still be there talking and laughing and crying.  Jo made a great dinner and we went to a Fro Yo place for frozen yogurt.  It was so nice connecting.  I hope we can do it again, soon!  If you need a speaker for a women's even, Jan is your gal! 
Jan, Jo and Me
The boys had all kinds of adventures while they were gone. They went fishing, frogging and all kinds of fun boy stuff.
Grandma E and Monkey and Bugs.
My beautiful Sister and Niece. 
The top of the mountain. 
I hope you have a blessed week.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

It's a PARTY!

Just so we are clear, I HATE Blogger.  Is this day 3 of trying to post this blog.  Grrrr!
So our Princess turned 5!  FIVE people!  I remember her daddy handing her to me for the first time!  She can go to school in the Fall.  YIKES.
So her Mama put together the cutest party.  It was a circus theme.  Kind of like an old time Penny Carnival.  The kids LOVED it!  They ran around crazy like doing all the different stations. It was a great idea and set up really cute. 
Princess and her friend in the jumpy house.

Bella and Bolt kept tripping kids so I sat down and held them.

Bugs running the balloon dart game.  A 13 year old with a dart... hmmmmmmm.

Princess taking aim.


Silly girl


Buster on the swing.

Princess getting ready to go skateboard. 

Drummer helping Princess skate. She is wearing leggings, a tutu, knee and elbow pads, biking gloves and an apron and a helmet.  To stinking cute!

Uncle T2 fixing the wheeler for Buster.

The Baby Family.

Skater and Drummer fixing popcorn! That was a hit! Skater said we need an air popper. 
I know Princess had a great day.  She was so excited to see everyone and didn't act shy at all.  I'm so proud of her.  I can't believe that tiny baby girl is 5! 
Have a Blessed week.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Scratch "N" Sniff Part 2


Scratch 'N' Sniff

Just some flower pictures from around my yard.  I wish you could smell our air right now. 


Monday, May 7, 2012

A tiny week in review

This week has been a little rough.  Nothing new nothing dramatic, just life. Our bathroom door has been acting really sticky.  Monkey even felt like he was locked in.  So DH has been trying to fix it. It doesn't seem to be the hinges so Dh was making sure it was still all level.  As he was doing it I said OH I'm taking your picture.  You are using MY PINK TOOLS!  He laughed.  I ALWAYS know where my tools are.  We still don't know why the door is sticking.
My pink level in my Dh's hands.  He is very confident in his maleness.   He just cracks me up.

This week our friend Jam (Jim) as in Jim and Tame' had a birthday.  We all went out together at Olive Garden.  We had a good time.  They are having a rough year too so it was nice to all be together with a reason to celebrate.
 Last night was the super moon.  I took several pictures.  This one is the one I thought was the best.  Such a cool thing!

One with some clouds without the zoom.

 Bugs has a new hair cut.  He wanted it longer in front but the back and sides are really short.  Rescue Rita took him.  He looks so cute.  He was trying to look real serious and tough and big and bad.  I think he has such a pretty smile.  So I just looked at him through the camera and said sex sex sex and he just giggled!  It's a good picture. 

My girl Scout loving the warm sunny deck. 

WHAT?  Are you talking about me?  Scooby Snacks? 

 Heir apparent working in the garden.  His friends have a huge abundance of strawberry plants.  So he's filling in the vacations in the strawberry patch.  I think we have a pretty good mix of June bearing and Ever bearing.   The Raspberries are looking good behind him too.

Buster dancing on the Jumpoline.  He didn't want to stand up but he would dance and bounce sitting there.

 Spring is really here!  My lilacs are blooming!  Dh cut a huge bouquet and put them in my beautiful purple pitcher.  I love them!
For dessert tonight we had strawberry shortcake.  Princess helped Papa make whipped cream. She didn't want to stop the mixer.  Papa said they almost had butter. 
I hope you have a blessed week.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We are F.A.M.I.L.Y!

We have been planning a little get away as a family for quite a while.  I would love to do Disneyland. Well that isn't going to happen anytime soon.  So we did the next best thing that was in our budget.  We went to Great Wolf Lodge.  Oh my word we had a good time!  We kind of staggered in as our schedules allowed on Saturday.  We played and played .  We all met for dinner in one of the restaurants there.  It was good.  Princess's birthday is tomorrow so we told them it was her birthday and they sang to her and brought her a cupcake.  She started to get upset!  She thought she didn't get her jumping party if they sang to her right then and she wants her PARTY!  Bless her little self!
 Brotherly love.  The two goofballs.

 Sorry about the red eyes... But they do kind of fit her. :)

Trying not to cry because she thought they were taking her birthday away.

 All of us.  So much fun.

One little Buster.

We were so missing our little Tinkerbell.  She would have loved it there!

It was a great time. 
I hope you get to make memories with your family that you would love to do.