Saturday, February 9, 2013

Brotherly Love

My brother is very talented.  Last year I made a flippant remark to him and he listened and made me something...  My pictures are at the bottom.  Anyway....  My dad had to deliver some meat this week and he brought a surprise for my sister and her partner.  We waited with excitement for them to get here.  The first 2 pictures are in the wrong order and they won't stay changed... so anyway...  My brother Steve made each of us girls a handmade chest.  They are beautiful and smell wonderful! What a wonderful thoughtful gift he gave us. 
Chrissy looking in hers.
 My niece and Chrissy and Wendy waiting to see what is under the blankets!

The girls and their trunks.

Chrissy started crying here....

Then I flipped it over to see what he wrote to her, then she really started to cry. 

Then when I did the same to Wendy's we all were crying.  Hers is signed too, it's #9.

The fronts.

 I didn't post about mine when I got it.  I asked for mine for my scrapbooks. 
I should have just let Steve pick the size, it's almost full already.

The front of mine.  They are so beautiful and I am every so thankful!
Thanks Steve!


  1. I wanted to be there to see them get their gifts but just couldn't. Thank you so much for posting the pictures. He is so talented.

  2. Just beautiful and so very sweet and kind.

  3. Wow! Great gifts from a brother! Priceless! Did he write anything on yours?
