Wednesday, November 13, 2013


Fall has shown up in earnest! 
 It is cold and mostly dreary and it's dark so early. Not a whole lot going on but a few things have happened so far this month. 
Heir got invited by Monkey to come for his Veterans Day Assembly at school. He said sure and went.  Monkey was so excited he was almost vibrating.  A visitor at school!  
Heir at the front of the school.  

He is in the second row, you can't see.  Thank you past and present Veterans for your service.  

Heir was asked to introduce himself.  He hates public speaking.  This made me giggle. 

More of the assembly.
I just loved this picture of the early rising moon.  It had a spooky look to it at first but then the clouds moved and it was just a pretty blue sky.  I still like it.
Mid month moon. 

I have loved the colors of Fall this year.  

A few weeks ago Little Miss turned 3!  Her mama and T2 brought cupcakes for her birthday to Sunday dinner.  She was beside herself with excitement.  
She is such a cute little thing.  She loved that we all sang to her. 

Little Miss is 3!

More Fall

This tree is now totally naked. 

I am dreading the dark cold long grey days that are coming.   I am trying to remain positive but at this point I am positive I am going to hate the Winter.  I will try not to hold my breath until February. 
Have a blessed week.

Monday, November 4, 2013

October in pictures

My beautiful lovely kind sweetest girl Anita got me a "Just Because" gift.   I LOVE it!  She is so thoughtful.  I love her. 
My cup.

Skater came home for a few days.  He really just needed a storage unit in his price range, FREE. 
Moving to the new place.  It's a darling little apartment. 

Rescue Rita and I always go to a MCC sale.  She grew up Mennonite and they are close to her heart. We have such a good time on our weekend.  

Rita in the snow.

Fall was showing up. 
I only take pictures of the quilts that are all hand done.  They are so beautiful.  If you had the money this was the year to do it.  They went for a lot less then in years past. 

So beautiful.

Being Auctioned off. 
After they auction I love walking through the Mennonite cemetery. Someone has been there working on it but there is still some cave in's on the older ones.  

I just love this old homestead. 

Rescue Rita and I in Leavenworth to play for the day. 
Our daughter in law and DH almost share a birthday.  So of course we celebrate them together. 

63 and 29.  
I had a little Miss here and she wanted to take her Mama's picture with T2.  She did a pretty good job.  Yes I was holding the camera but she got to push the button. 

T2 and his girlfriend. 


I just loved the moon that night. 

Banana bread was baked.

Pears were canned.   
The month seemed to go so fast!  It is already November. 
I hope you have a blessed day.