I heard something the other day that caused me pause. I felt is was rather profound. You know, one of those things that have so much truth to it.
There is no hate like Christian love.
I'm not sure why we as Christians feel so entitled to judge the people around us. Sometimes we have such a holier than though attitude. I don't think I've ever read a scripture that says we can do that. I'm pretty sure we are called to love. Thats it.
We had a very large and active Youth Group in the church we were attending. The youth group had some rough kids with the trending hair styles and colors. They sat up front of the church. I'm not sure what the pastor could see from the pulpit. Whatever was going on behind the youth was enough to make the pastor stop preaching and say, you need to check yourself. These kids are here in church, worshiping the same as you. They are NOT the only ones in this room that color their hair. He made a point of looking at everyone. I was impressed that he felt called to speak out right then.
My sister came out as gay after being married and having 3 kids. My family had to take a big moment and pause. Growing up in a very conservative Christian home, it did cause us a beat. BUT when it all came to the end of the day, we wanted Sister to be safe and happy. We were just called to love her, and the family she built. She was with her partner for over 20 years when she died. I know people that haven't stayed married for that long. Even after saying, until death us do part. Do we have opinions of what people are doing, acting, saying. YES! But I know for me, I do not want God's job. Trust me, I have my own past and sin's that I don't want to have everyone around me having a say in. Trust me, I KNOW. If you must judge me, please judge me against the person I used to be, an earlier version of myself. I'm sure we are all growing and changing.
My children are really good people. I'm proud of who they are. I know they have all done things that I'm not proud of. They have made poor decisions. Who hasn't! I have told them their whole lives that they can do NOTHING to make me not love them. NOTHING. Consequences for actions? You bet, But me not love them? NEVER! God loves us so much more. Isn't grace an amazing thing. Every day is a chance to get it right, do better, be better.
I think we need to live in a way that makes us look for the good, intentionally. It's very easy to be negative. To stay focused on the bad, the hard, the frustrating. I am trying very hard to be positive and looking for the good. Not in a Pollyanna type of way or in a name it claim it way, but in a I know God is in control kind of way. I will just continue to do what I can and leave to rest of it up to God.