Saturday, February 28, 2009

What a face

T2 made a decision tonight and with Lisa's help this is what he did.



After......... Isn't he handsome!

And for the record I thought he was handsome before too.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Cast of Characters- T2

I know you want some!!
This is what T2 did this evening. He's not helping me with them but
we needed some treats for lunch. They are white choc. chips.
T2 was one of THE most shyest kid EVER! He was so quiet and shy. We
used to say he was my appendage. He was ALWAYS hanging on my leg. If
someone talked to him he clung to me like a spider monkey.
He didn't walk until he was 16 months old, I took him to the doc and said "He's
broken, fix him" That doctor looked at me and said "stop carrying him". I was
so insulted! But you know it worked. :-) If I would have kept him out of school
until he was ready to go he would NEVER have gone.
He has grown into a fine young man. He has strong opinions, he's almost 21. :-) enough said....
He is the tallest of our 6. DH has a son from before that I think is a tad taller. Not sure where it came from. T2 and Thing 2 are having a contest to see who can grow their hair the longest, I have a feeling Thing 2 is going to win, T2 is getting tired of it.
T2 is wonderful with babies. Princess LOVES him. Monkey and Bugs are very glad to have him home again. They missed him terribly.
Have a great day! Peace

Monday, February 23, 2009

Because I can

Here is one last picture of Princess. She was laughing at the Uncles.
She had to go home today. Her parents made her go. Buttheads.

Monkey's room needed some new mud and texture and paint
around his window ( it was new - a long time ago) and since DH
isn't busy he finally did it. He finished the mud, then textured it
and painted it. Tomorrow we will put all of Monkey's stuff back.
It looks very nice. Now he needs some curtains.

Friday night I went scrap booking. I just started a new
project. My mom's book was the last one, so I started our
25th anniversary trip. I got 8 pages done. I already know the next
one too. I only work on it once a month at a friends. I don't' think
I would work on it any more often even if I had a place to leave it all out.
I think.......

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Our girl

Papa and his girl. We know our love grows with each addition to our family but this is the start of a new phase in our lives and it's FUN!

Auntie, this is our version of Liam.

Uncle T2 and Princess. My boys think the sun
rises and sets with this girl.


Saturday, February 21, 2009

I am a Princess

Princess came to play. She loves her uncles so much and they LOVE her. They run and wrestle and jump and terrorize. We always have so much fun when she is here. She and I took a walk and saw the first Spring flowers and it's still Winter! I love walking with teeny tiny foot steps.

This is hope for Spring. Winter never lasts forever.

And the Princess.

This is SO Thing 2's face. WHAT??? I wasn't going to touch it!
Here's to what brings you joy! Peace

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


My house has The Sick! Monkey has a seal cough and Bugs has a 102.2 temp and a headache and chills, Skater Dude has a plugged head and cough, T2 has a horrid cough and can't get warm. These kids are nasty and they better not share! Dh has no work so he's staying home with The Littles tomorrow. I feel like dipping them all in boiling bleach water. COOTIES! I do NOT want what they have. Would you?

Thing 2 and DIL and Princess are suppose to be coming this weekend. Thing 2 is going snow boarding with friends. I will be getting my girl fix! I can't wait.

Monday, February 16, 2009

And the beat goes on....

My DH likes to give me flowers and he does such a good job of picking them.. I got this bunch for Valentines Day. He/we have been trying very hard to show the love the other 364 days of the year too. It's been a trying year so far so it's good for us to remember this.

I had visitors this weekend. My Friend A and her little guys E and D came to play. Monkey was so excited to have a sleep over. You will remember Baby E from after Christmas. He's growing and getting quite the little flirty self. It was so nice to have him. Even for just the night. A and I get together and it's like we've never been apart. Just yack ourselves silly. We watched Mama Mia and laughed and laughed. Then we figured out you can add Sing Along to it and the dvd has the words! THE BEST EVER!!!!

Monkey and D

Baby E.

Dh and I had a tiny date on Sat. and we had so much fun. We almost never go out and so it's such a treat when we do. Today we were having family dinner and Thing 1 decided we needed to do it at his house ( new dishes and silverware from Christmas). So I put together enchiladas and side dishes here then we went to his house to warm it all up and eat. We had such a good time. T2 is really under the weather so he stayed home and he hadn't moved when we got home. Thing 1 and his roommate totally crack us up and they laugh so hard at DH who is very funny and doesn't know it or mean to be. That is my news for now. Peace

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

When life gives you snow..... make snowcones?

Life is kind of funny at times. Just saying.......

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Oh My Word

Well! This morning I had an interesting conversation with Monkey. I'm telling you we are in for it!!! Monkey and I were taking Bugs to school. He was saying that when he went to school at Anita's she left him there. ( It was VBS and she lives down the block and she didn't leave until he said she could) He then told me he didn't like it when they were marching. I told Monkey "well when you go to school this Fall you will like it. " He said WHAT???? I said when you go to school this Fall it will be different and you will like it. Monkey says..... What school? I said you will go to School with Bugs in the Fall. He YELLED at me. I SAID I DO NOT WANT TO GO TO SCHOOL, I ALREADY WENT!!!!!!!!! OH. MY. WORD. First I asked him if he had lost his mind, He said he was sorry for yelling then I told him ( Thank you Auntie) Well I guess if you don't want to go to school you can just go to work. He got really upset and said I don't want to have a JOB!!! At this point I started to laugh. I asked him what exactly he wanted to do all day then. He said I'm going to Ms Anne's and Paula's! It's going to take until September to get this kid ready to go to school. This could get exciting. Peace

Monday, February 2, 2009

Cast of Characters - Thing 2

Thing 2 was born just shy of 2 years after his big brother. He was planned and so wanted. 2 years is NOT a good idea, just in case your wondering. 3 years apart is WAY better but that's another story. He was suppose to be here before Easter and he wasn't. He has always chosen his own path and his own way of doing things. He was the original skater dude. He is fearless on a skateboard. He can play any musical instrument he picks up. He can play piano, drums, trombone, T2's trumpet, guitar and yuke. I bought him a harmonica for Christmas. LOL Music is his heart beat and as long as he can play music he will be OK. That and talk. He can talk the legs off a goat. He is DEFINITELY his dad's son. He has been married for 3 years this month. He and his wife are doing their best to make a good life for themselves and their daughter. Princess is a joy and I am so glad to do the girly things. Pink Is a color I can do! Peace