Thursday, April 30, 2009

Thankful Thursday

Today when I got home I inhaled a pb&j and just sat down and DH asked Skater dude if he would watch The Littles for a bit and he said yes and then he took my hand and asked if I would take a walk with him. We took Scout and Bolt and were gone for about an hour just walking. The lilacs are starting to bloom enough that you can smell them. People were mowing their lawns and kids were running around and riding bikes. The dogs always attract attention but we kept moving. We didn't say much, just walked and held hands and took it all in. It was nice.


  1. A very good thing to be thankful for.

  2. Sometimes you just need to 'BE' with each helps heal I think. I agree with Auntie...something to be VERY thankful for! I love you guys!
