Sunday, October 11, 2009


What a quiet weekend. Friday I went to the zoo and Saturday we just fiddled around the house and got groceries - which I hate doing I might add. Today we cleaned house. I normally gut it on Fridays but since I was gone I had it to do today. And since everyone was home, I had help! YEAH ME. I did some of the odd things like washed the lamp shades and Dh did under the fridge. The he cleaned the kitchen and I did the bathroom and dusted and vacuumed. All clean and ready for the week. Heir apparent and Mindy came for dinner. We grilled for one last time before it gets really cold.
I have been walking again with a friend and we went after dinner but before her Sunday shows were on and it was already quite chilly. We used to walk all the time but then life took a strange turn for her and it just didn't happen. I've missed it. We love to walk and blow off the day.
After The Littles took their shower Bugs was reading to Monkey and this is what happened... it made me smile. Then I looked over and Dh was asleep in his chair. It was a nice relaxing weekend. T2 is off to work in a bit and we are all headed to bed. I'm so thankful he has found a job. He is a happier person when he's working.

I hope you have a blessed week.


  1. AND WE WANT TYLER HAPPY :) Isaac is an ANGEL!

  2. What a darling little boy - the last of our grandchildren. He will always be the baby to me.
